
What is an Inbox?

A process consists of workflows. Each workflow will contain multiple steps (assigned to individual user or groups) which need to be completed to get the job done. We want to make sure that every member who is assigned tasks within an organization can see those tasks in one consolidated view, so they know exactly what they have to do. This is called an Inbox.

Initiate Request

User, mainly employees, can initiate a request by clicking on initiate request on the top right of the inbox.

Select a request from the initiate request and click on it.

  1. A form designed by the Admin opens up. Enter the required information.

  2. Click Comments to add a comment and save the form.

  3. Click Submit.

Inbox of Managers

  1. Login as a Manager user.

  2. Users who are in the approver section, mainly managers receive the submitted form.

  3. Manager can approve or reject the submitted form.

Last updated